

Breaking news : Here is the Thanksgiving Story that everyone is looking for !


Thanksgiving is celebrated every fourth Thursday of November in the United States. For Americans, this holiday is as IMPORTANT as Independence Day or National Day. But what is its origin and what does it commemorate? We will let you discover the history of this Thanksgiving day, which has become a tradition in America.
the Thanksgiving Story

The Americans celebrated
Thanksgiving every year since 1789. The Plymouth colony and the Mayflower are at the origin of this tradition. In 1620, pilgrims Fathers or Separatist Pilgrim Fathers fled the persecution of King James I and the regime imposed by the Church of England. They embarked on the Mayflower for a journey that lasted 65 days. On November 26, 1620, the ship with its 110 emigrants disembarked in one place, baptized Plymouth by the Pilgrim Fathers. Today, this place is known as Boston. The emigrants settled there, but the very harsh winter led to the death of half the colony and the failure of their plantations.

Gradually, the pilgrims created links with the Iroquois Indians. The two inhabitants have set up a cooperation agreement for mutual aid. Under the agreement, the Indians would teach new residents new crops, fishing and hunting. The emigrants, on their side, would support them in case of attack of the Narragansetts, the rival tribe.

The next autumn, the harvest was abundant. In honor of this great success, the pilgrims then decided to thank God, the land and the Indians. Governor William Bradford then invited the Indians to share a festive meal. This day was considered the first Thanksgiving meal. The pilgrims then took up this idea to celebrate the autumn harvest each year.

The relatives of the passengers of the Mayflower then arrived by a second ship called the Fortune and brought the documents that formalized the implantation of the pilgrims on these lands. But as the foreign population grew in number, the Indians gradually disappeared. Among the Indians, the diseases caused several deaths and the smallpox epidemic of 1963 did not fix things. And at the time of the establishment of the thirteenth colony, the Indians were five times fewer than the foreign population. Having become a source of dispute, the development of the colonies has generated territorial conflicts. In the end, the Indians were colonized.
the Thanksgiving Story


On October 3, 1789, 5 years after the War of Independence in the United States, George Washington officially celebrated Thanksgiving Day. That year, the president also set the date for Thanksgiving Day for Thursday, November 26th. In honor of this great day, he invited the people to thank God for the independence of the United States. Since that day, the pilgrims of the ship Mayflower were considered the first settlers who founded the United States of America.

Until 1863, Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in America on different days. But following the request of Sarah Josepha Hale, a journalist who fought to establish a common national holiday, Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday and set it on the fourth Thursday of every November.

Today, Thanksgiving Day is an IMPORTANT tradition for Americans. Every last Thursday in November, they gather as a family to share a pumpkin cake and the traditional Thanksgiving turkey.

Surprisingly, the United States is not alone in celebrating Thanksgiving. Canada is also celebrating this event every second Monday in October.

Buzznews magazine Hope your thanksgiving is filled with peace , love and great joy . Have a wondertful time ....
Happy thanksgiving

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